The 11th LCI Conference took place on March 8-11 at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The four-day event, including the conference and tutorials, focused on the impact of multi-core technologies, including heterogeneous approaches using GPGPUs and Cells, on high end computing; and the power consumption and scaling challenges of peta- and exa-scale computing. Keynote speakers were Tom Lange, Procter & Gamble; John Levesque, Cray, Inc.; and Steven Parker, NVIDIA.
The 10th LCI Conference took place on March 9-12 at the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, USA. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were Henry Gabb, Intel; Pratap Pattnaik, IBM TJ Watson Research Center; and Marc Tremblay, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The 9th LCI Conference took place on April 28-May 1 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Urbana, Illinois. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were Rich Loft, NCAR; Pete Beckman, ANL; and Thom Dunning, NCSA.
The 8th LCI Conference took place on May 14-17 in South Lake Tahoe, California. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were Horst Simon, NERSC/LBNL; Norman L. Miller, LBNL; and Peter J. Ungaro, Cray Inc.
The 7th LCI Conference took place on May 1-4 in Norman, Oklahoma. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were Jack Dongarra , University of Tennessee; Frederick C. Johnson, DOE, Office of Science; Klaus Schulten, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The 6th LCI Conference took place on April 25-28 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were Thom H. Dunning, Director, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA); Kelvin Droegemeier, University of Oklahoma; Mark Seager, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
The 5th LCI Conference took place on May 17-20 in Austin, Texas. The four-day event, including conference and tutorials, focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments. The keynote speakers for the conference were David Jursik, V.P., IBM Worldwide Deep Computing Sales; Dr. Reza Rooholamini, Director, Enterprise Solutions, Dell Product Group; Brian Ropers-Huilman, Manager, HPC operations, Center for Computation and Technology, LSU.
The 4th Linux Clusters: the HPC Revolution Conference and ClusterWorld Conference and Expo (CWCE) merged, becoming CWCE, the premier international forum for clusters of all types. CWCE took place on June 23-26 in San Jose, California. The four-day event included conference, expo, and tutorials. The world-class event focused on the application and management of clustered systems in large-scale computing environments.
The 3rd LCI Conference took place on October 23-25 in St. Petersburg, Florida. It featured speakers from academia, government research labs, and industry involved in Linux high-performance computing. The keynote speakers for the conference were Dr. Mike Turff, Global Manager DP Systems, PGS Data Processing; Dr. Daniel Reed, Director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA); and Dr. William Pulleyblank, Director of Exploratory Server Systems in IBM's Research Division and the Director of the IBM Deep Computing Institute.
The 2nd LCI Conference took place on June 26-27 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Urbana, Illinois.. It featured speakers from academia, government research labs, and industry involved in Linux high-performance computing. Speakers addressed efforts to integrate and develop Linux clusters for high-performance computing, and efforts to develop science and engineering applications for Linux clusters. The keynote address by Alliance and NCSA Director Dan Reed presented the NCSA's and the Alliance's vision, and the role Linux clusters will play in that vision.
The Linux Supercluster Users Conference, the 1st LCI Conference, took place on September 11-15 in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Wyndham Hotel. This user-oriented 5-day conference was aimed at sharing information on scientific computing techniques for Linux Supercluster users. The objective of this meeting was to help computational scientists and engineers develop applications to achieve maximum performance and scalability on Linux Supercluster systems.
The conference consisted of tutorials and presentations by IBM staff and users from academia, government labs, industry, and independent software vendors, covering topics such as